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Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR) PI Meeting and Coordination Activity

This is the inaugural PI meeting for the National Science Foundation’s Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR) Big Idea. 


HDR is a visionary, national-scale activity to enable new modes of data-driven discovery, allowing fundamentally new questions to be asked and answered in science and engineering frontiers, generating new knowledge and understanding, and accelerating discovery and innovation.

The HDR vision is realized via a coordinated set of program solicitations resulting in an ecosystem of interrelated activities enabling (i) research in the foundations of data science; frameworks, algorithms, and systems for data science; and data-driven research in science and engineering; (ii) advanced cyberinfrastructure; and (iii) education and workforce development—all of which are designed to amplify the intrinsically multidisciplinary nature of the data science challenge.

At this virtual meeting, HDR PIs will meet and explore current projects, future collaborations, and resources to support the growing ecosystem. The National Science Foundation is exploring the creation of an organizational coordinating entity for those working on HDR awards and other data science research grants. This project seeks community input on the formation of an entity, in three phases:

  1. Community Input Survey. The survey seeks to understand the needs and resources available across the community of Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR) funded activities.
    (The survey is now closed. Thank you to everyone who participated.)
  2. Microlab Virtual Discussion Event. March 16, 2020, 1:00-2:30pm ET. This event is designed to facilitate discussions in small virtual breakout groups. Participants will discuss topics from the survey responses and help guide the questions identified for discussion during the HDR coordinating entity workshop.
    Thank you to all who participated in the event!
  3. HDR Coordinating Entity Workshop. A facilitated 2.5-day workshop to surface major themes around what would make a useful coordinating entity for HDR, with attendee interaction focused around recently funded PI projects. (By Invitation Only)
    Meeting Agenda
    This event has concluded. Thank you to everyone who participated.

Public Comment Period

A report on the HDR ecosystem activities was created for public comment. The report is available here


The HDR PI meeting and coordination activity is organized by NSF and the four regional Big Data Innovation Hubs, which are funded in part by NSF awards 1916613, 1916585, 1916589, and 1916573.

Our Initiatives

Launched by the National Science Foundation (NSF) in 2015 we engage communities, share resources, and build partnerships that harness the data revolution to address societal and scientific challenges.

Metro/Urban Data Science

Precision Medicine

Natural Resources & Hazards 

Big Data Technology

Advanced Materials and Manufacturing

Digital Agriculture

Smart, Connected, and Resilient Communities

Water Quality

Big Data in Health

Health and Disparities

Smart Cities and Communities

Advanced Materials and Manufacturing

Environment and Coastal Hazards

Social Cybersecurity


Education + Data Literacy

Urban to Rural Communities

Responsible Data Science: Security + Privacy Ethics

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